WealthBuilders Founder
At WealthBuilders, we are a nonprofit that provides content, conferences, and coaching to help you reach true financial freedom.
Our Mission: Making Sense of Making Money for Making a Difference
Everybody is at a different place in their financial journey. Which Phase are you in?
Phase 1:
Making Sense
Making sense of money can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be! The first step to building wealth is to get into a position where your earned income is greater than your expenses. In this phase, you’ll learn a step-by-step process for how to get out of debt quickly. We’ll also coach you on foundational matters such as how to buy your first home and investing for beginners.
Phase 1:
Making Sense
Making sense of money can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be! The first step to building wealth is to get into a position where your earned income is greater than your expenses. In this phase, you’ll learn a step-by-step process for how to get out of debt quickly. We’ll also coach you on foundational matters such as how to buy your first home and investing for beginners.
“We are super excited to say that our little mom and pop is now a national franchise built on Kingdom principles to build Kingdom wealth, and it’s mostly due to WealthBuilders teachings and encouragement.”
– Mark & Jennifer, The Sweat Shack
“We consider it a privilege to be connected with the WB community (generation) that hears the sound & desires to herald the glorious message of financial freedom, all because of Jesus! It’s put our whole family on a different trajectory, so our lives are not the same.”
– Dale & Amy