The Business Pathway to Financial Freedom
Business As Passive Income
Business is an excellent way to build wealth and influence a community. Whether it’s through the products and services you provide or the jobs you create, you can have a tremendous impact as an employee or an entrepreneur. When you get the systems and structures in place, your business can generate passive income (and be relatively hands off!)
Aside from the cash flow, one of the major reasons we love businesses is because of the influence they can have for the Kingdom of God.

“There is a marketplace sound, or wind, that is blowing in the earth and the Church. God is doing something in our world right now. He is speaking to the hearts of His people about entering the business world as a force for the Kingdom!” —Billy Epperhart
Business as Mission
Businesses have influence, whether it’s the products and services they provide, the wealth they generate, or the employment opportunities they make available. So, using your business as mission is a great way to bless others and make a difference!
For instance, business is the main source of wealth creation, so every sphere of influence is indirectly or directly funded by it: government, education, family, religion, media, and the arts & entertainment industry (otherwise known as the 7 Mountains.)
In addition, a statistic by the U.S. Census Bureau supports the immense influence of small businesses alone– they have accounted for 65.1% of net new job creation since the year 2000.
Because we believe in the power of business, we created an online learning platform called WealthBuilders University. WBU’s Business Learning Pathway is designed to help you start, grow, sustain, and make a difference with your business. Check out our website to see if WBU is the right choice for you.
At WealthBuilders, we equip business leaders with the tools to hone their craft and influence the Kingdom of God. Check out our business blogs to learn more about the following:
If you want to invest in your business education, WealthBuilders University could be a great option for you. This subscription-based online learning platform has a robust Business Pathway. Through a series of courses, you’ll learn how to develop, create, market, and grow your business idea from the ground up. Click here to learn more.