Do You Want Your Investment to Make a Difference?
Now, It Can.
Invest with Tricord Global to empower entrepreneurs and sustainably transform communities through microfinance (and earn a 4-8% return on your investment!)
What Tricord Global Does
How Does Tricord Global Use Microfinance?
1. Tricord raises investor capital
2. Tricord loans capital to partner banks and financial institutions at 12% (this interest rate is the least expensive money available to them.) Then, the banks and financial institutions loan to their/our clients at variable rates.
3. Loan clients undergo business education and loan repayment training from local banks.
4. Then, clients use their Tricord loan to grow their business or ministry.
5.From their increased profits, clients are able to pay back their loan, operate and grow their business, and make personal income for themselves and family. They can also apply for additional loans if desired.
6. Tricord pays back investors 4-8%, depending on the terms of their note.
Tricord Global Success Stories
Becky Kigoza
She lost her leg in a motorbike accident and nobody would hire her. So, Becky Kigoza got a loan through Tricord and started a thriving events business.
Pastor David
In Uganda, it’s difficult for two demographics to access quality banking and capital: the poor and Christians. Loans for church land are hard, if not impossible, to find, and religious oppression is rampant. Pastor David received a loan through Tricord and was able to build a thriving ministry despite all odds. Watch his story and perspective on how Tricord Global is bridging the banking gap for poor Christians.
The Farm Uganda
The Farm Uganda was the vision of Manager and Charis Bible College graduate Samuel Ahumuza. With a hand up from Tricord Global and other benefactors, Farm Uganda employs 12 full-time staff and 50 seasonal employees while enhancing food security and organic production 4-5x the normal rate. Visit Farm Uganda’s story here.
Tricord Global Video Library
Frequently Asked Questions About Tricord
How long are the note terms for investments?
Note terms are five, seven, and ten years.
What are the current interest rates when investing with Tricord Global?
Current interest rates are 4% to 8% depending on the terms of your note.
What is the minimum investment?
Do you accept international investors?
Yes, Tricord has investors from all over the world.
Are there any states you don’t accept investors from? Why?
Yes: Connecticut, Vermont, Pennsylvania, California, New York, Tennessee, Virginia, Nebraska, Mississippi, and Florida. The governments in these states have certain regulations and legal requirements that don’t support our system.
Can a church and/or business invest?
Yes, a church and/or business can invest with Tricord Global.
What is the risk associated with investing in Tricord Global?
While there is a risk with every investment, Tricord has never defaulted on a note. Meaning, our investors always get paid their 4-8% on time, every time. It’s a low-risk, high-reward option for your money. And, in addition to a financial return, you get a social impact return as well.
If I invest with Tricord Global by rolling over into an IRA will I have any tax consequences?
No, there will be no tax consequences with a rollover.
Will Tricord Global assist me with my IRA accounts and process?
Yes, Tricord takes care of the entire process.
I inherited an IRA, will I be able to roll the entire amount into an investment with you?
Yes, you can invest an inherited IRA.
After the initial investment, is it possible to add money?
Yes, it is possible to add money; however, your investment will renew at the same terms as the original investment and the investment timeline will start over for the original term chosen.
Our Tricord Values
To empower one million entrepreneurs globally by providing business training and the start up capital needed to build Christ centered enterprises throughout the world.
To inspire and equip others to make sense of making money for making a difference for the purpose of transforming individuals, cities and nations.
By providing training and capital to those in poverty, we empower them to break the cycle of poverty that they have been in for generations. This interruption of the poverty cycle enables their families, cities and nations to be transformed.