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Today’s WealthBuilders Podcast features Karen and David Metcalfe discussing business success in the Kingdom of God. They encourage listeners to seek God’s resources in business through prayer and surrender. By seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness first, He will provide the necessary resources and how to manage them.

Dave and Karen share personal examples of how they have applied the biblical principles of asking, seeking, and knocking to see God provide for their business ventures, including a family business and unconventional financing.

Tune in to hear practical steps for your life and business in God’s kingdom. Aligning Your Business With God’s Kingdom: Principles for Success

Click the player below to watch this episode, or listen on your preferred podcast platform!

More Resources:

Change Mastery Bundle

Episode Show Notes

  • Experiencing God’s presence and quality of life, the Metcalfes discuss the importance of having a personal, experiential relationship with God, not just head knowledge. They emphasize how Jesus wants to give believers the same quality of life and anointing that He had.

  • Applying Jesus’ teachings, Karen and Dave explain how the Kingdom of God is within us and can be manifested in our daily lives, including our businesses. They discuss how Jesus modeled love and how we can bring righteousness, peace, and joy into our work.

  • Seeking God’s resources in business through prayer and surrender, they encourage listeners to surrender to Jesus as Lord. Position yourself to seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness first, trusting that He will provide the necessary resources and teach you how to manage them.

  • Asking, seeking, and knocking for spiritual and business growth is priority. David and Karen share personal examples of how they have applied the biblical principles of asking, seeking, and knocking to see God provide for their business ventures, including a family business and unconventional financing.

  • Seeking God’s provision for business and life is vital. They emphasize that God wants to prosper believers to make a difference and leave a legacy. They encourage listeners to take practical steps to align their lives and businesses with God’s kingdom.