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Did you know that your financial growth is connected to your spiritual growth? Genesis 1:28 is known as the cultural mandate, and it describes our God-given blessing and assignment:

“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (Genesis 1:28, NIV)

God designed you to multiply everything in your life for His glory. That’s why inviting God into your financial plans is so powerful. Not only will He set you on the path of profit and increase– He will also use financial lessons and situations to teach you, refine you, and grow you into the man or woman He’s called you to become. 

As Christians, we can integrate our faith and finances by submitting our pace and plans to God’s timing. Like anything that grows, your finances will go through seasons. 

I’ve experienced all four financial seasons in my life: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Read the following descriptions, and then pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s timing for your financial plans. He will show you whether it’s time to rest or run!



Winter is a time of resting and remaining present to the voice of God. This is not the time to start a new business venture or investing strategy. In the winter, God gives vision. The pause is a crucial part of the process, yet so many people try to rush past it. A key aspect of combining your faith and finances is having faith that God will come through in the right timing! In financial winters, God is sharpening your character. He is teaching you how to trust Him and be patient. Without God-given vision, your plans are in vain. 

As Psalm 127:1 (NLT) says, “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat, for God gives rest to His loved ones.” 

Your challenge is to remain present in the winter and avoid the temptation to go into hibernation mode. Seek the Lord so that when He’s ready to ‘build the house,’ you will be, too!

Related: 4 Keys to Financial Favor: How to Attract Money to Your Life



When the ground thaws and spring fever hits, it’s time to plant the vision you received in winter. For example, this could look like:

  • The beginning stages of implementing a new budget
  • Planning to get out of debt
  • Creating a business plan
  • Taking steps toward making a certain investment

Don’t force spring. If you abide in God, you will feel the Holy Spirit stirring you when it’s time to act. 



In America, summer is the time for vacations and breaks from the hustle and bustle. However, for farmers, summer can pose a threat. In financial summers, you must take action to protect your ‘crops’ from heat, pests, and other threats. 

In other words, this is a time to stay focused on your God-given goals and commit to the strategy. Commit to diligence and remain consistent in stewarding the processes you started in the spring. It will be well worth it in the fall! Proverbs 13:4 says, “The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.”



Finally, all your hard work is worth it. It’s harvest time! Autumn is a time to collect the harvest that your faithfulness has produced. Fall is a time to rejoice, harvest without complaint, and give God the first fruits of your labor. As you go to the next level in your faith and finances, it will be important to remember the fall seasons. Remembering God’s faithfulness will give you the strength and stamina you need to endure the next winter.

A word of wisdom: wait for financial revelation! Without the revelation of God’s timing for your financial season, it’s tempting to get antsy. You may plant something in the winter that would have grown better in the spring. Or, you may try to harvest something prematurely and miss out on the fullness of its fruit. Here’s the thing with faith and finances– you often need to make decisions that set you back in the short term to position yourself for long-term growth. 

God's favor

To learn more about financial revelation and how to receive financial favor in your life, get your copy of “Extravagant Favor” today.
