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If you want to keep wealth in your family, there are some things you need to know about passing it on to the next generation. Starting a family business, investing in real estate as a family, or gifting an inheritance can be overwhelming.

So, in this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, we’re here to share some biblical encouragement to help you persevere in your wealth building journey. In this episode, Karen Conrad Metcalfe and Dave Metcalfe share seven encouraging tips for maintaining generational wealth. Listen here to learn how to leave a legacy that can make an enduring difference, and check out the shownotes below:

How to Pass Down a Financial Legacy: 7 Encouraging Tips

1. Decide your desired results & impact as a family.

Having a common goal will help you get your financial house in order.

Habakkuk 2:2

2. Actively partner with God.

Pray for insight as you invite God into your investing and business endeavors.

James 1:5

Proverbs 16:3

3. Be confident.

God has given you the power to get wealth according to Deuteronomy 8:18.

4. Do not get discouraged.

Surround yourself with people who champion God’s best for your life.

Psalm 146:3

5. Never give up.

Remember that God is faithful. Do your part and wait patiently for God to do His.

Ecclesiastes 11:6

6. Encourage, model, and teach your children about good financial stewardship.

Education is vital to passing down wealth that lasts.

Proverbs 22:6

7. Actively invest in the next generation’s future.

Put your time and money where your mouth is. Help your kids save money, start businesses, and invest so they can learn for themselves.  

1 John 3:18