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God gives us the power to get wealth and grow through divine connections. Some people are blessed with social circles filled with divine connections, while others may find that meeting the right people is a bit of a challenge. God blesses us with divine connections, but that does not always mean we will meet them without intentional effort and dedication.

Finding divine business connections is one thing, but maintaining them is another thing entirely. Strong business connections will grant you more opportunities for growth and success. This blog will help you learn how to build business connections in six ways. They are:

  1. Utilize Six Degrees of Separation
  2. Pray and Reflect
  3. Learn Solid Communication
  4. Start Volunteering
  5. Leverage Social Media
  6. Attend Networking Conferences

1. Utilize Six Degrees of Separation

Networking is an essential part of growth for every business. Six degrees of separation is an effective strategy that can help us maximize the potential of our current network. Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy first introduced this concept in 1929. This theory states that every two people in the world are connected through six or fewer individuals. 

Think about what that means for you.  Every person you meet has a network of connections that you can tap into. Based on this principle, a friend of a friend could lead you to a divine connection. When you learn how to build business connections outside of your current social circle, you can begin to expand your opportunities for success.

2. Pray and Reflect

If you do not know how to build business connections, you are not alone. The good news is that God can provide us with strategies to find these divine connections. My wife Becky and I have prayed for divine connections for decades. In my book, Money Mastery, I share the prayer Becky, and I have been saying for decades. Today, I want to share it with you. It goes something like this:

“Father we thank You. You have people for our lives, and we believe there are people in the north. We believe there are people in the south. We believe there are people in the east. We believe there are people in the west. Lord, we speak to the north, we speak to the west, we speak to the east, we speak to the south and we command it to give up the people that belong in our lives.”

Prayer is important, but it’s equally important to reflect on how God answers those prayers. You might be overlooking the chance encounter you had at the grocery store or the person you lost touch with years ago. When you reflect on the people in your life and take time to pray about how to build business connections, you will start to identify and maximize your relationships.

3. Learn Solid Communication

Communication is an important part of any relationship. In business, solid communication is critical. If communication is not your strong suit, that’s ok. You can learn how to improve the way you connect with people. Communication is all about exchanging ideas and information. 

The key is to balance the way you speak and listen. If you want to know how to build business connections through solid communication, practice active listening. When you ask someone questions about themselves and give them your full attention, you show them that you are engaged in the conversation.  When you speak, be clear and concise. Be direct when speaking to potential connections and make sure you are aware of their level of understanding. Speaking effectively and actively listening can help you sustain, grow, and collaborate with divine connections.

4. Start Volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to find divine connections. It gives people from diverse organizations an opportunity to come together. Many will be from different industries, backgrounds, and perspectives. 

There is a good chance you will encounter people you’d have never met otherwise. When you volunteer, you can showcase your skills, passion, and expertise to people who could become future business connections. As Christians, we are called to serve one another according to 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) which states, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Volunteering alongside people who hold the same values puts us in a position to build Christ-centered divine connections.

5. Leverage Social Media

Social media has become one of the most popular methods of communication.  You can rebuild connections from 20 years ago and make new ones. Remember that six degrees of separation I spoke about earlier? Leveraging social media is a great way to learn how to build business connections by looking at the reach of your current network.

LinkedIn is a social network that does this well. This platform has a business focus that categorizes people into first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree connections. This allows you to strategically form connections based on similar interests, goals, and business experiences. If you do not currently maximize your relationships on social media, it is never too late to start. Get on LinkedIn, polish up your profile, and pray for God to align you with divine connections on social media.

6. Attend Networking Events In Your Niche

Networking events are a great way to build business connections and expand your professional reach. These events provide an opportunity to meet new people, make valuable connections, and learn about new trends and developments in your field. However, to get the most out of these events, it is important to approach them with a strategy.

Ensure you get the most out of networking events by being intentional about what you attend. While many networking opportunities will help you grow, the best opportunity for divine connections happens at events in your niche. If you are a Christian entrepreneur, you probably won’t find the most value at a music conference. The WealthBuilders Conference would be a better option to help you grow in faith, leadership, business, real estate, and finance. If you are interested in maximizing your relationships and learning how to build business connections, join us for The WealthBuilders Conference this year. You can purchase your in-person or livestream ticket for the event (Feb. 17-19th) here.