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Podcast Shownotes: How to Create a Year-End Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy

It’s the beginning of November, and nonprofit owners and employees know what that means—it’s time to solidify an end of the year giving strategy! From how to write an effective giving letter to conducting a successful webinar, today’s episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast is all about how to create a year-end nonprofit fundraising strategy.

The most effective and satisfying fundraising for any organization is achieved through a genuine heart-to-heart connection with current and future donors and partners based on a common purpose and passion. This episode touches on the following components of a successful Year-End Nonprofit Fundraising Strategy:


1. End of Year Giving Letter

  • The best time to send this out is right before Thanksgiving.
  • In the letter:
  • Communicate your vision
  • Thank them for their support
  • Include an envelope that includes instructions for online giving as well


2. Visits With the CEO

  • Invite a small, select group for one-on-one visits with the CEO.
  • During the meeting, ask if they would like to give an end of the year gift.


3. Conduct a Series of Webinars

  • Provide an inside view of what your organization does
  • Provide a clear value add to the audience
  • Include a Q&A
  • Ask for financial partnership and provide a clear pathway to do so


4. Write Personal Thank You Notes

  • A handwritten note goes a long way!


5. Send a Video Message to Your Email List or Social Media Audience

  • Include holiday wishes and an invitation to partner with your organization in the year to come.


6. Reach Out to Lapsed Donors

  • These are people who haven’t given in the past year
  • This is often due to personal circumstance, not frustration with the nonprofit itself
  • Call and thank them, and offer to pray with them if you are a faith-based organization

Want to learn more about how to craft a year-end nonprofit fundraising strategy? Click here to listen to the corresponding episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast.