You are the only one that can live your life. God has prepared great plans for you, but you must choose to exit the sidelines and get in the race. If you want to run the race of life with endurance, read Hebrews 12:1. Here is what the New Living Translation of this run the race scripture says:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
At times, challenges, frustrations, and fatigue can affect our motivation to start running. So, in this blog, I share three keys to help you get in the race. They are:
1 Make The Decision
2 Remove Dead Weight
3. Fuel Up On Faith

1. Make The Decision
Have you ever watched or run a marathon? There is something every marathon runner has in common. Every runner who participates in that race chooses to do it.
Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that the race of life is something “God has set before us.” But, we need to decide to run the race with endurance when we are tempted to stop. The race of your life is about committing and recommitting to God’s purpose for you. If you want to get in the race of your life to experience the fullness of God’s plans for you, you are empowered to make that decision.
Discover your reason for running. Reflect on your current life circumstances, future dreams and goals, and the steps you need to take to achieve them. Then, write them down. When you keep God at the center of those dreams, He will give you divine strategies to help you run the race of your life with endurance. All it takes is your decision to say, “yes” to get in the race.

2. Remove The Dead Weight
If you’re a serious marathon runner, you are probably familiar with strength training. Lifting weights helps athletes run the race with endurance. While these weights help improve the conditioning of a marathon runner, they would slow the runner down in an actual marathon. Let’s revisit that run the race scripture to better understand how this applies to our lives.
Hebrews 12:1 says, “ let us strip off every weight that slows us down.” What are those weights in your life? Perhaps there are people who were supportive in previous seasons but negative in the present. Weight could take the form of trauma or disappointment. Dead weight is defined as, “the heaviness of a person or object that cannot or does not move by itself.” Think about the things that are stopping you from moving forward to run the race with endurance. Then, pray about the steps you can take to remove that dead weight.

3. Fuel Up On Faith
Any marathon runner will tell you that to run the race with endurance, they need quality fuel. Just like any vehicle, we need a substance that will help give us power when we burn energy. The same can be said about the race of your life.
Once you decide to get in the race and get rid of the dead weight, you will need a plan to help you power through when you feel resistance. As Christians, that fuel is our faith. Here is how Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) defines it: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
The Bible is filled with stories of people who ran the race of their lives fueled by faith. Noah followed God’s call to build an ark even when there was no sign of water. Three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, had faith to keep worshiping God even when thrown into a furnace. (They later emerged unscathed.) Abraham had the faith to leave his home to follow God without any idea where he was going. If you are ready to get in the race of life, you must hold on to your faith.
Life usually doesn’t turn out the way you expect it to. You may question the direction that you are headed in from time to time. But, remember faith is all about trusting what God says more than how your circumstances look.
You have what it takes to get in the race of your life. I want to cheer for you throughout every step of your journey. That is why I wrote the book, “Run Your Race: How To Pursue God’s Will for Your Life with Peace, Patience, and Productivity.” You can pre-order your copy here before it is released on January 17, 2023.
I also want to invite you to join us for The WealthBuilders Conference from February 17 – February 19, 2023. I have a team of experts who will equip you with tools to get in the race of your life and maximize every moment of the journey. Click here to get your ticket.