Despite a devastating accident and a global pandemic, Becky Kigoza triumphed. Watch the social impact story of her growing business and influence, made possible in part by Tricord Global and Glotrans Financial Services.
Becky Kigoza is an entrepreneur who owns and operates an event business in Kawaala, Uganda. She organizes, decorates, and manages events such as parties and weddings. Becky started the business five years ago, but she became a loan client in 2020 when the Coronavirus pandemic caused her business to come to a halt.
Shortly into the pandemic, Becky had to move out of her building because her landlord wanted four months of rent in advance. She was able to move her business into a new building, but revenue was still hard to access. The event industry was stalled due to government restrictions on public gatherings.
“I was stuck,” Becky recounted. “Luckily, that’s when I found out about Glotrans and Tricord Global through my church.”
The first loan Glotrans and Tricord gave Becky was for $198.21. She had four months to pay it back, but she covered the balance in just two months and bought several shelves to organize her new business space. Then, she qualified for a second loan of $424.75. She used the loan to purchase traditional Ugandan wedding attire that she could rent to bridal parties. It provided her with passive income!
“Glotrans and Tricord go beyond just money. They come and check on you, they pray for and encourage you, and support your business,” Becky says. “They took me as I am.”
For many Ugandans, entrepreneurship is the best option to make a sustainable living. For Becky, it was the only option. She lost one of her legs in a boda boda (motorbike) accident. Even though she was a college graduate with work experience, it was difficult for her to get a job because of her disability. Potential employers were doubtful that she could do the required work. So, she started her own business.
Though she had the drive and work ethic to get her event business off the ground, she needed capital in order to grow. According to Becky, Glotrans offered the lowest interest rate and provided the best customer care. She has paid off all of her loans and is now able to hire multiple employees, make a social impact by supporting other vendors in the community, and train her children in the family business.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for funding Glotrans,” she says. “We’ve been able to transform our lives through their loans and the Lord’s help.”
Click here to watch Becky Kigoza’s story and experience a Ugandan wedding through the eyes of an event planner! If you are interested in becoming a Tricord Global investor and investing in social impact stories like Becky’s (all while earning a 4-8% return), email