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As Christian business and ministry leaders, you are called to bring transformation–to align heaven and earth–in a way that blesses individuals, families, and communities. Your unique purpose is understood and realized through a personal relationship with God. Throughout your life, an abundance of ideas and vision will come from that purpose. The trick is learning how to steward your vision properly so that it comes to pass. So, on this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, I unpack four key steps to turn your vision into reality. They are:

1. Be Confident in Your Vision

– Pray, seek truth in scripture, and discern if it’s the right season to turn your vision into reality.

– Write the vision down! (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

2. Set Benchmarks

– What are mini-goals that you can set that will show you are moving forward?

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are a great tool to measure your benchmarks.

3. Develop Strategies

– This is the point when you get your team involved. Brainstorm and delegate–nothing of value was accomplished alone.

4. Develop Strategic Action Plans

– These put structure around the vision you have in your heart and mind.


Want to learn more about turning your vision into reality? We have only scratched the surface. Listen to this week’s episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast for more details.