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Calling all wealth builders! One of the best things you can do for yourself is to become a lifelong learner. Even though we are in the age of podcasts, social media, and audio books, I still find there is nothing quite like settling down with an old fashioned book. To help you invest in yourself in 2023, I compiled a list of 12 financial books that every wealth builder should read. There’s one for every month so you can make this year your best one yet.

Top 12 Financial Books for Wealth Builders

financial books

The E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber

I believe this is one of the greatest business books written of all time. The E-Myth Revisited goes into depth about business systems. The most valuable concept I took from this book is how entrepreneurs should position themselves in their business for maximum impact. Gerber notes that every business needs an entrepreneur, a manager, and a technician. This book showed me that entrepreneurs need to move from the technician role (where they are doing everything in their business) to the entrepreneur role (where they are leading and casting vision).

financial books

The Business Model Generation Canvas by Alex Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

This highly practical and simple book provides a template to help you think about your business on one page. The Business Model Canvas is so effective that it’s one of the primary tools we use at WealthBuilders to teach entrepreneurs. As the CEO of Charis Bible College, we made The Business Model Canvas the centerpiece of the curriculum in the business school.

financial books

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad will change your money mindset and show you how to position yourself to build wealth. Robert Kiyosaki shares his personal story of growing up with two father figures– his real father (poor dad) and the father of his best friend (his rich dad). His dad was educated and worked hard, but lived paycheck to paycheck. His friend’s dad was a businessman and investor who believed his money should work for him–not the other way around. The book breaks down the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich. You will learn the difference between working for money and having your money work for you, which brings us to the next book–

financial books

Rich Dad’s Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki

This is the second book in the Rich Dad series, and it provides a straightforward template for financial freedom. It will motivate you to move beyond job security and into a life where you work less and earn more!


financial books

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich is a classic that has stood the test of time. It contains 13 attributes that the richest people share in common, from faith to persistence. If you want to renew your money mindset, this book is a must.

Run Your Race by Billy Epperhart and Hannah Grieser

Run Your Race by Billy Epperhart

A major way we get to partner with God is with our finances, and good stewardship will look different in each season. In my new book, Run Your Race, you will learn how to align your finances with God’s will for your life. There is an entire chapter on The Divine Design of Faith & Finances. In addition, there is a guide on how to create your own wealth building strategy with The Triple X Factor. 

Curious to learn more? Download your Free Sample of Run Your Race: How to Pursue God’s Will for Your Life with Peace, Patience, & Productivity, here.

wealth builders

The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon puts a creative twist on financial literature. This 100 page book is written in parable form and has entertaining financial lessons from merchants, tradesmen, and herdsmen. It’s easy to read and comprehend, so I highly recommend it!

wealth builders

Value Investing in Real Estate by Gary W. Eldred

This is a highly practical book about how to invest in real estate by determining its value. You will learn the benefits of real estate investing as compared to other assets, as well as how to evaluate growth markets, population patterns, land use, market indicators, condos, townhouses, and fixer-uppers. It’s stood the test of time and is a great book to read if you are serious about your real estate investing journey this year. 

wealth builders

Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo

This is one of the best financial books about making a difference with your money. Dambisa Moyo, an economist from Zambia, confronts the fact that aid from wealthy countries to Africa does not reduce poverty. Then, she offers a road map for financing the development in poor countries. It will inspire you to use your finances to empower (not enable) people.


wealth builders

Jesse Livermore: World’s Greatest Stock Trader

Jesse Livermore is known as one of the most notorious stock traders of all time. This biography is a fun read and true story of Livermore’s colorful life. In addition, you’ll get insight into the trading strategies that made Livermore several fortunes in his lifetime. 

wealth builders

Trading in the Shadow of Smart Money by Gavin Holmes

This financial book is for wealth builders who want technical information about how to invest in the stock market. Holmes dives into three universal laws that govern markets: the law of supply and demand, the law of cause and effect, and the law of effort versus result. He also discusses how you can become a confident stock trader by wielding the law of attraction. There are also 50+ annotated charts to help you visualize good trading strategies.

wealth builders

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition by Jay Abraham

In the seasons of my life where I felt the most stuck this book has been a refreshing reminder that unforeseen opportunities and God opportune moments sometimes hide in plain sight. Jay Abraham is an American business executive and is recognized as one of today’s leading marketing experts. Abraham’s hand-crafted program teaches readers how to work with the assets they already have and how to find the hidden wealth-building opportunities in every business, project, and venture. He establishes three primary ways to increase business and teaches on the unique tools needed to maximize income, influence, and success. This book really changed the way I think about marketing and forced me to get creative and think outside of the box!