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Last week, we covered 4 attitudes every wealth builder needs to adopt in order to succeed.  Today we will cover the next three. As you know, one of my great passions is to equip people to know how to build wealth in order to make a difference.  My personal motto is, Making Sense of Making Money for Making a Difference.  In order to make money, and in turn make a difference, the adoption of certain attitudes is necessary. An excerpt from “Money Mastery.”

  1. Have Confidence to Design Your Future

You need to be willing to call the shots in your life.  You have to be willing to pick up the pen and compose an ending to your own story.  Too many of us are living our lives for someone else.  It’s time to live for you and God.

To design your own future, you have to identify your own priorities and values.  What is meaningful to you?  You must not be limited to what other people think.  Along with identifying what is meaningful to you, you have to determine your purpose.  Your purpose becomes the strongest incentive for you to make the needed changes in your life.  In order to determine your purpose, start by evaluating your core values.

If you feel stuck on determining what those core values are, ask yourself these questions:

  • What would I do with my life if money were not an issue?
  • What would I want my tombstone to say about me? 
  • What am I doing with my life that will live on after I die?

Lastly, ask for what you desire.  Many dreams go unfulfilled because someone failed to ask.  The Bible tells us that if we ask, we will receive (Matthew 7:8).  And don’t just ask, pray with faith and actually believe for it!

  1. Learn to Take Action

Another attitude necessary for personal change is learning to take action.  Many people think about what they need to do, dream about possibilities, but never take any action.  James 2:26 tells us, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

Change only occurs when you begin to take action toward your desired goal.  The actions you take must be harmonious with the outcome you desire.  If you say you want to lose weight, but keep visiting Dairy Queen, your actions are not harmonious.  As a matter of fact, it is taking you in the opposite direction of where you want to go!

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]The actions you take must be harmonious with the outcome you desire.[/tweetthis]

  1. Adapt to Succeed 

The last attitude you need to develop is adapting to succeed. There are two ideas you need to grasp in order to understand this concept.  First, if you do not enjoy the results you are getting in life, you must change what you are doing.  For things to change for you, you must change.  Someone once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!

Second, you must be flexible in changing times.  Some people do not change with the times, and they get left behind.  This happened to the railroad companies in the earlier part of the twentieth century.  You can either stay stuck or grow.  If you do not move forward, you can count on the fact that you will move backward.

Thanks for joining me on this two-part series.  If you concentrate on building these seven positive attitudes, you will be ready to face wealth building.

Join me every Monday for tips on entrepreneurship and leadership.