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Business Dictionary defines personal development as “the process of improving oneself through such activities as enhancing employment skills, increasing consciousness and building wealth.” This can look like reading books about best business practices in your free time, practicing gratitude daily, or attending seminars and workshops. As I always say, you bring value to the marketplace, not time. In today’s blog post, I want to share with you some personal development principles that translate into success for your business.

How Personal Development Principles Can Translate to Business Success

1. Do Things That Challenge You

It’s human nature to want to stay in our comfort zone. We don’t like to do things that challenge us because it doesn’t feel safe. But you will never grow if you don’t challenge yourself. I encourage you to do this not just in your personal life, but if your business as well. Maybe you could challenge your business to venture into a new market. Maybe this means challenging the limiting beliefs of your sales staff. You can do hard things, and you will grow more from those experiences even if you fail.

2. Practice Gratitude

This is something my wife Becky and I do personally as well as professionally. As a business owner and entrepreneur, it’s easy to get lost in what you don’t have or what isn’t there. If you can practice gratitude with your staff and with your business as a whole, you’ll start thriving more. You’ll realize that while you have big dreams and big goals to accomplish, you have already accomplished so much. This will allow you to lead from a place of motivation rather than a place of scarcity.

3. Stop Procrastinating

This one should be pretty obvious. It connects to the first point as well. Often, when things challenge or scare us a little, we tend to run from them or pretend they’re not there. Sure, that’s the easy way to do things. But you will hurt your business in the process. All great leaders have to learn to confront whatever it is that’s holding them back. I encourage you this week to examine the things you’re putting off. Then, take it a step further by considering why.

4. Become Proactive

Not only should you not be procrastinating, you should be getting ahead of the curve. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the benefits of pre-planning. You need to start being proactive about things like your budget and savings. You should also be proactive when it comes to market trends and areas of opportunity. If you keep your ear to the ground, you will find that there are plenty of rumblings that you can act on before others have the chance to.

5. Keep Learning

This is one of the single best things you can do for yourself and for your business. If you had to lead your company for the rest of it’s life only on the knowledge you know now, do you think you’d succeed? You don’t know what you don’t know, so you better start reading up. Many personal development speakers and successful business men read several books a month. You can get started with just one! If you’re not a reader, then attend a seminar or a workshop. Listen to audio books! Learn from someone you admire however you can.

6. Practice Resilience

Resiliency is something that you can’t really teach people. You learn when you fail or someone tell you no, and you get back up. Resiliency is so important in business and in life because something is bound to go wrong. I don’t mean to sound negative, but if you can learn to handle your setback, they don’t have to end you or your business.

7. Believe Bigger

People get stuck in believing that they can’t have too much. It’s good to be content with where you are, in fact, it’s Biblical! But it’s also Biblical that God has a plan for you that is greater than anything you can imagine. Don’t get stuck in your comfort zone. Believe for more!

Which of these personal development principles do you plan to implement in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

We have a few options for you to begin your personal development journey with WealthBuilders. As you know, we post two blogs a week. We also have free weekly live streams every Wednesday evening where WealthBuilders speakers teach on a topic and answer your questions. You can sign up for tonight’s live stream here! Our Business Mastery Workshop is coming up in just a few weeks and we’d love for you to join us. You can click here to learn more and get your ticket!