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No matter the size of your business or the size of your staff, you must always seek to be a good boss. Think about it: as the man or woman in charge, you set the stage for how your staff functions, thinks, and succeeds. This means that you have a huge role to play – and you shouldn’t take it lightly!

I encourage you to think back on some of the businesses you’ve encountered in your lifetime. Do your friends have businesses? How about people that attend your church? Then, think about what kind of boss runs the business. I’m not talking about their personality type or level of extraversion or wealth. Rather, what kind of person are they in their heart.

After all, Scripture tells us in Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Consider what kind of boss you are – or what kind of boss you would someday like to be. Are you currently working on strengthening your heart as a leader?

Here are six traits of a successful & likable boss: 


1. They are passionate.

The worst kind of boss is a person stuck doing something he or she doesn’t really want to do – or something he or she doesn’t truly believe in. What are you passionate about? Build your business from this foundation. Good bosses have a business because it’s what they are passion about, not because of the financial potential or fame.


2. They are trustworthy.

I guarantee that you have never wanted to work for someone who didn’t seem completely trustworthy. So, be a man or woman of your word. Do what you say you will do, when you said you would do it. If you want trustworthy employees, you must reflect integrity yourself. A boss worth working for is one who sets a good example and takes the lead.


3. They are adaptable.

Without compromising core beliefs or values, great bosses are those who can adapt to a changing situation. Times will come when you must change something about your business. Maybe it’s time to fire and hire. Or maybe you will need to update your website, buy a company car for your employee, or move office buildings. Whatever it is, be flexible enough to change when business needs or your employees think it’s time.


4. They are self-aware.

Do you know what fuels you and what drains you? How about your skills – do you know in what areas you need help? Bosses with big egos are not usually categorized as “good” or “successful.” I promise you that. Know yourself and your limitations. In addition, you must be willing to hear ideas from others and put the company needs over your own (in most instances).


5. They are hard-working.

Great bosses have a strong work ethic and don’t simply allow the “little guys do the heavy lifting.” In other words, get involved in your own business! This goes back to the issue of your own heart. Are you entitled and lazy? If so, ask God to strengthen and equip you. You cannot expect from someone else what you’re not willing to give yourself. 


6. They are positive.

Things will go wrong. You might miss an opportunity, lose money when you meant to profit, or have an employee leave the company. But if you treat failure as a learning opportunity, you will be a great boss. Making the most of a failed situation can be the life or death of your business. Positivity goes a long way in the world. It may seem simple, but it’s powerful.


You don’t need to host annual Christmas parties or give large bonuses to be a great boss. While those things are nice and thoughtful, it’s the small, everyday things that have the greatest impact on the office environment.

As entrepreneurs and bosses, we have a responsibility to manage that environment. We can either make it great, enjoyable, and successful. Or we can choose to leave our hearts out of the equation.

What things would you add to this trait list? Who has been your greatest boss? Consider sending this post to them with a short note appreciating their great boss skills!