Do you have a desire to spread the Kingdom of God, but you don’t necessarily want to pastor a church or evangelize on street corners? Perhaps you love business, leadership, teaching children, or your job as a medical professional but struggle to make the connection between your work and ministry.
If so, I have great news for you–God never intended for The Body of Christ to stay within the four walls of the church. Rather, we are called to take the gospel to every nation. That involves a little something called marketplace ministry.
Here’s the exciting part: there is a sound in the Spirit calling God’s people to steward His resources for His purposes. If you feel led to partner with God in every area of your life (and to help others do the same), marketplace ministry has a role to play.
What is marketplace ministry?
To define marketplace ministry, we first have to define the marketplace. In essence, a marketplace is the vast network through which business and trade happen. It involves every aspect of society, from government policies to the entrepreneurs who actively create goods and services.
Marketplace ministry, then, is witnessing for Christ within this network. It involves using the way you make money and the money you make as a means to advance the Kingdom.
Pastor Neil Johnson describes the marketplace as:
“Perhaps the only institution that touches, directly or indirectly, virtually every person on planet Earth. In one way or another, it is a pervasive part of every society, culture and people group. It is found in the midst of every religion and every political system in every historic era.”
Since the marketplace touches every part of society, it is an incredible opportunity to show the world the love of Christ!
Marketplace ministry can involve sharing the gospel, but it is not limited to that. In other words, work isn’t a means to the mission, it is a mission in and of itself.
Marketplace ministry includes:
- Seeing work as a service to God
- Partnering with God to maximize and multiply your resources
- Living out Christian values in the workplace
- Making a difference in the lives of others
Rather than an action you do, marketplace ministry is a posture you embody. It is an attitude that recognizes God wants to be intimately involved in every area of your life, therefore your entire life is dripping with Kingdom purpose. You move from working to survive to working to thrive…eventually with the hope of helping others do the same at a personal, communal, and national level.

Marketplace Ministry in the Bible
Throughout history, God has positioned His people in the marketplace for the strategic purpose of advancing the Gospel. Here are a few examples:
The Promised Land
Let’s take it all the way back to The Promised Land. God brought the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, which literally translates to merchant or trader. The Promised Land was flowing with milk and honey and rich in resources. By positioning His people in such a critical crossroads, God showcased His glory to surrounding nations.
Paul ministered in Ephesus for over two years. It was a bustling trade hub located near the Aegean Sea known for its harbor and connections to key trade routes.
In addition, Ephesus was home to the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which drew pilgrims and merchants. The city’s prominence allowed the Gospel to spread rapidly to surrounding regions.
Paul spent 18 months in Corinth (Acts 18:1–11), preaching to Jews and Gentiles alike. He worked as a tentmaker alongside Aquila and Priscilla, engaged in the marketplace, and connected with the local business community. Corinth’s status as a commercial crossroads made it a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and religions.
Though Paul arrived in Rome as a prisoner, he continued to minister from his rented house (Acts 28:30–31). As the heart of the Roman Empire, Rome was the most influential city of its time and central to trade, politics, and culture. The prominence of Rome helped the Gospel reach the farthest corners of the empire.
Revival vs. Reformation
Both revivals and reformations are key components on how we operationalize the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
A revival is when the hearts of many people are awakened or reawakened to the love of Christ. Historically, the term revival has been used to describe times of mass salvation.
A reformation, on the other hand, is what comes after a revival. It is the ripple effect of how Christians respond and and implement their faith. If revival is a spark, reformation is an enduring fire. Reformation follows revival because transformed individuals cannot help but transform the world around them!
For example, The Protestant Reformation in the 1500s caused an explosion of Christian influence in education, government, and the banking industry:
- New Protestant universities sprung up around the country
- Literacy rates surged as the ability to read the Bible became more important
- Political institutions changed as well, as the Reformation diminished the political influence of the Pope and Catholic Church in many parts of Europe. T
- The middle class grew and capitalist economies spread as “the Protestant work ethic” promoted social and economic growth.
The same level of transformation occurred after the Great Awakenings in America, as the developments that followed led to the American Revolution and forming the United States as a nation.

Answer the Call to Marketplace Ministry:
1. Start where you are.
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Start by taking an honest look at your current influence and network. Who are the people you interact with regularly? Whether it’s your colleagues, clients, or even those you encounter in daily routines like the cashier at the grocery store or the barista at your favorite café, these relationships are an integral part of your ministry.
It’s time to make a decision: reject the Sunday-Monday gap. We often compartmentalize our faith, leaving it at church on Sundays and picking it up again the next week. But the truth is, God wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives—Monday through Saturday, in our work and in our play.
2. Implement spiritual rhythms in the marketplace.
Pray at work, and ask God for direction on seemingly small decisions. One powerful rhythm is prayer—whether you’re in a meeting, at your desk, or in the midst of a hectic schedule, pause for a moment to ask God for guidance on even the smallest decisions.
Additionally, cultivate relationships with the people you see every day. Your coworkers, the receptionist, or even the barista at the local coffee shop can become people of influence in your life and the lives of others. A smile, a kind word, or a small act of service can open doors to conversations that reveal God’s love.
Tithing is another way to implement spiritual rhythms in your work. Giving to the Kingdom, whether through your local church or a cause you care about, reflects the heart of stewardship and partnership with God’s work in the world. It’s a practice that honors God and keeps your priorities aligned with His purposes.
3. Identify your mountain.
What part of the marketplace stirs your heart? What areas do you dream of transforming? The Seven Mountains of Influence—Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business—offer a helpful framework to understand the major sectors that shape culture and society. Where do you feel called to make the biggest impact? Maybe your passion is in the arts, or perhaps it’s in the business world. Wherever your heart is stirred, that’s where God is calling you to make a difference!
4. Join the movement.
Marketplace ministry isn’t meant to stay at the individual level. Rather, God is building up a Body of believers who can carry their cities and nations into a Reformation. He wants to partner with all of us to transform our cities and nations until they look like the Kingdom of Heaven.
The 2025 WealthBuilders Conference is YOUR chance to link arms with other people who are passionate about building wealth to advance the Kingdom of God. If you sense the call to marketplace ministry, we want you in the room this February 14-16, 2025. Click here to learn more about how you can be a part of our 10th anniversary of this event, and watch the video below.
Wow i have really been blessed by this blog… Am looking forward for more and am going to practice always involving God in a very aspect of my life.
Wonderful!, the Blog has opened my heart to know how I can use my resources to spread the word of God
I’m exited about the event. We’re blessed.
I will be there soon and fully. Amen
This is so interesting, I’m really getting into the mood to pick up the mantle of God to go out to do Marketplace Ministry.