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How To Stay Grounded

How To Stay Grounded

The most defining moments of your life will rest on your ability to remain grounded in the face of uncertainty. In light of this, I had a friend once ask me, “In the midst of chaos, how do you stay grounded? When I received this question, I thought long and hard...
Do These Acts of Kindness Before 2019 Ends

Do These Acts of Kindness Before 2019 Ends

Christmas is over and the good tidings it brought might be as well. There is so much build-up to the holiday, that afterward, we tend to focus on ourselves and what our personal goals are. Last year, I wrote a blog post detailing some random acts of kindness that you...
The Most Valuable Gifts You Can Give

The Most Valuable Gifts You Can Give

As we head into the week of Christmas, I feel led to remind us all of what is most important. This weekend was the busiest shopping day of the year. I even made a few trips to get some last-minute gifts. My wife calls me her “man of abundance” because I...