by Billy Epperhart | Nov 19, 2023 | Biblical Encouragement, Leadership and You, Personal Growth
What do you really want out of life? How often do you present your dreams to God? God created you to dream and desire. However, many people don’t invite God into their dreams. In some cases, they stop dreaming altogether due to fear or disappointment. When I was a...
by Billy Epperhart | Jul 23, 2023 | Biblical Encouragement, Leadership and You, Personal Growth
You know what they say: the only constant in life is change. No matter how dynamic and adventurous you are, change can be difficult. That’s because every change, even the positive kind, starts with a loss. In order to move into something new, you must let go of the...
by Billy Epperhart | Jul 11, 2023 | Leadership and You, Personal Growth
You’ve heard of IQ and EQ, but have you ever heard of AQ? Your AQ, or adversity quotient, can be the determining factor for your financial success. Simply put, your AQ measures how well you handle and overcome adversity. I love how SuperXLearning defines it:...
by Billy Epperhart | Jun 4, 2023 | Biblical Encouragement, Investing, Leadership and You, Personal Growth
Are you constantly looking forward to the next thing? Do you find it difficult to focus when there’s so much excitement on the horizon? If you’re reading this, my hunch is that you’re eager to build wealth and run with the vision God has given you. In our enthusiasm...
by Billy Epperhart | Jan 16, 2023 | Biblical Encouragement, Leadership and You, Personal Growth
Who are you really? Do you know? God intentionally designed you for a purpose. However, life’s responsibilities, relationships, and busyness can cloud our perspective. Over time, you may find that you don’t recognize yourself. You can’t remember when you made certain...
by Billy Epperhart | Jan 2, 2023 | Biblical Encouragement, Leadership and You, Personal Growth
What does productivity mean to you? Do you let other people set expectations, or are you an intrinsically motivated goal-getter? How you define productivity will determine your focus. For example, if productivity means checking off a certain number of tasks, you will...