Have you ever experienced the power of a change in perspective? There are problems that can seem unsolvable. There are seasons of life that seem like they’ll never pass. We may think we have to climb a mountain, but sometimes all we need is a little change in perspective.
God has whipped my perspective into shape many times. When I asked God for a comprehensive model I could use to teach people how to build wealth, He gave me The Triple X Factor. When I got too comfortable and self-centered in retirement, He showed me that He had bigger plans for my life. He also changed the limited perspective I once had about the Christian faith and gave me a Kingdom Mindset. I realized that the purpose of the gospel went beyond going to heaven. The gospel was also about unleashing the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. (Matt 6:10)
[Related: Kingdom Mindset: What it is and Why You Need One]
These have by far been some of the most transformational changes of perspective I’ve had in my life, and I didn’t have to force anything. Small adjustments in our thinking can change everything. One of my favorite examples of this occurred when I was just a freshman in college.
A 1/8th of an Inch Adjustment
In 1974, I attended Oral Roberts University on a baseball scholarship. As someone who had significant success in high school, I headed to the university thinking I was hot stuff. The first day we practiced, they put the other freshmen up to bat against me. I pitched my best fast ball three times in a row. On the third pitch, a freshman knocked the ball—with a wooden bat—in Tulsa humidity—410 feet over the centerfield wall! That was a pro-level shot! I immediately thought, “Toto, you ain’t in Kansas anymore.”
The pitching coach was a previous Dodgers pitcher named Rich Calmus. He came out to the mound after the hit and said, “Epperhart, we’re going to have to give you another pitch.” So, he taught me how to throw a slider. It dramatically helped me get people out at the plate.
Our first game of that season was against Oklahoma Baptist. I was put in to pitch at the beginning of the second inning, and that slider didn’t have the same effect as it did in practice. The first three guys all hit shots on me. The bases were loaded in six to eight pitches. I was feeling the pressure at this point! Now, if that happened in high school, the coach would have said, “Epperhart, throw the ball harder!” or “Throw more strikes!” However, none of these things would have made he necessary adjustment.
Rich Calmus walked out to the mound, came up to me and said, “Epperhart, let me see your slider.” So, I held up my grip. Coach Calmus didn’t say a word. He just reached up, took my middle finger, and moved it one eighth of an inch from the left side of the seam to the right side of the seam. Then without a word, he turned and walked off. I struck out the next three batters! No one scored.
Try Smarter, Not Harder
A lot of issues we brush up against in our life are like that. Our instinct may be to try harder when, in reality, our process and/or perspective is what’s off. You may have heard the saying “If you always do what you’ve always done then you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Trying harder in the wrong direction won’t get you anywhere.
Where do you need a change in perspective? Maybe you’re convinced that an abundant and prosperous life is for some people, but not for you. Maybe you don’t see what the practical aspects of your life, such as your finances, work, and family, have to do with your faith, and you feel purposeless. Perhaps you are aching to know God’s calling on your life but aren’t sure what it is.
These may seem like complicated and intricate problems, but I have some encouragement—all you need is a 1/8th of an inch adjustment. God can simplify complex matters in an instant! In His grace, He will equip you with the change in perspective you need.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
At our upcoming WealthBuilders Conference we want to help you discover the areas in your life that might need an 1/8th of an inch adjustment. It could be related to your perspective on life, or it could be something more concrete, such as your approach to business or investing. We trust that God is going to use the wisdom of our conference speakers to touch each attendee in a profound way. If you want to learn more about the conference (February 18-20, 2022, in Denver, Colorado), click here.