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Courage is possessing the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, and more without fear. It’s  bravery.

It takes courage to talk to investors about your business plan or to switch on the “OPEN” sign after an opening day flop. A strong leader controls fear and steps forward to face the difficult climb. It’s showing up to counseling with your spouse, or grounding your child for the first time. It’s stepping back onto that pulpit after a churchgoer has critiqued you harshly. It is also looking fear in the face and stepping forward anyway. A leader must possess courage.

What does it look like to be a courageous leader?

Being Courageous in Your Family

The first place most people become a leader is in their family. When you become a parent, whether you’re a mother or a father, you are a leader in your household. What does being a leader look like? I have a teaching called the Five Characteristics of a Healthy Family and I go through each of these in-depth. For now, I’ll just list them out for you:

  1. Shows Unconditional Love
  2. Establishes Family Traditions
  3. Makes the Commitment of Time
  4. Affirms Every Family Member’s Value
  5. Provides a Home That is a Safe Harbor

Take some time to reflect, are you providing those in your home?

Being Courageous in Your Business

It takes a lot of courage to be an entrepreneur. You have to be brave enough to step out in faith, not knowing what the future holds. You show courage in your business by trusting that God will lead you and deliver you. Have you ever heard the term “fearless leader”? There’s a reason why it is used so often, but consider how it applies to you. Would your employees classify you as a fearless leader? Or are you running your business in fear of the future? The Bible says, “Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.” (1 Chronicles 28:20).

In what ways has God called you to be a leader? Are you showing courage in that role?

We’re getting so close to the release date of my brand new book, “Leadership Mastery.” Today’s blog was inspired by the content in the new book and I hope that if you enjoyed it, that “Leadership Mastery” finds it’s way into your 2020 reading list. This book holds a lesson for every type of leader. If you want to continue to learn more about becoming your best self, you can preorder “Leadership Mastery” on Amazon through this link.