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Christmas is over and the good tidings it brought might be as well. There is so much build-up to the holiday, that afterward, we tend to focus on ourselves and what our personal goals are. Last year, I wrote a blog post detailing some random acts of kindness that you could do before the end of the year. I want to bring that back this year, as we are just days away from 2020. Here are some things you can do to keep the spirit alive in honor of one of the greatest days in history, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Before the Year Ends

For Your Family/Friends

I decided to break these up by category this year of people you know and people you don’t. Now, you can switch these out for each other, but I thought it was a great way to categorize both big and small acts of service. Here are some things you can do for people you know intimately well:

  • Watch their kids so they can have a restful night to themselves, or a date night!
  • Take your spouse on a date they will enjoy
  • Send a handwritten card to let someone know you’re thinking of them
  • Send an encouraging text message or email
  • Run tedious errands for someone
  • Shovel the snow off their sidewalk

For People You Don’t Know

As I said before, you can do these things for people you know as well, they just also work for people you aren’t as acquainted with. Here are some easy random acts of kindness you can incorporate into your daily life:

  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Buy the coffee for the person behind you
  • Compliment someone
  • Leave a surprise in your mailbox for your mail carrier
  • Write something positive where people can see it
  • Donate to a good cause

I hope this has given you just a few ideas of random acts of kindness you can do to close out the year. Remember, people may not always remember you for what you do, but they will remember you for how you made them feel.