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One of the constants in life is change. We can’t escape it, no matter how much we might like to! Change can often be a good thing, however. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about business, it’s that you have to plan for and welcome change. In today’s blog post, I want to show you strategies to help when your small business is evolving. These strategies are important because your business will change, whether you like it or now.

3 Tips to Evolving Your Small Business

1. Evaluate Your Path

When you sense your business is starting to change, I want you to first evaluate where you are going. Sometimes, we can start going down the wrong path, and oftentimes it wasn’t even an active decision! We were just passively led that way. That’s why I always encourage you to stop and reflect on where you’re at and where you’re headed. Make sure where you’re going and evolving is actually a direction you want to be in!

2. Nurture Your Community

Change is hard for everyone! As your small business starts evolving, I want you to be aware that your customers may feel like they’re not included. You have to reach out to them and acknowledge that things are changing and your business is growing. Honesty is the best policy. But, you want to always stay true to your roots. Your community should be involved in your growth, not alienated by it. I encourage you to consider ways you can engage your audience in your evolution and make them a part of it all.

3. Identify Areas for Growth

As your business grows, certain areas will need to grow with it. For example, you may need to hire on new employees, or establish a board of trustees. You might even take on some new leaders in your organization! There are other levels of growth though, and you will often have to go through personal growth as well. You’ll have to dream bigger and shift your mindset around what is possible for you. Identify the areas where you feel tension, and pay close attention to them as those are the areas that will need to grow the most.

I hope this post has encouraged you and helped you in evolving your small business. What are some tips that helped you as your business grew? Let me know in the comments below! I truly believe one of the best things you can do when your business is growing is to grow in your own knowledge. If you weren’t able to attend our Business Mastery Workshop this year, I encourage you to pick up the recording here! I guarantee there will be new lessons and nuggets of wisdom for you to use in your journey.