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One of the most common setbacks entrepreneurs and business owners face is burnout. No matter how efficient you are, or how much you love what you do, you will get overwhelmed at some point. It can be hard to talk about, and even harder to get out of. That is why today I writing about staying motivated as an entrepreneur and getting out of a rut.

How to Get Out of A Rut

1. Go to God

There is a reason Becky and I pray for our business, our employees, and the people that we help every morning: it works! Many of you have heard the seven things we pray for every morning, and we believe that He cares about how you are doing mentally and emotionally. He cares about your business and those you lead. The first thing you need to do when facing any kind of challenge is to go to God.

2. Take a Break

One of the best practices you can implement when in a rut is to give yourself a break. Many times, this looks like taking a restful weekend spending time with my grandkids. Sometimes we will even go on vacation to refresh and recharge! Often, it involves removing myself from the situation and focusing on something else for a change. The key to staying motivated is allowing yourself to have some rest.

3. Ask for Help

God wired everybody differently, so the key to your situation may be found in the words of other people. Recently, we hired a new vice president for WealthBuilders. I am great at providing new ideas and coming up with better content to lead and teach others. However, Becky and I knew that if we wanted our company to continue growing, we needed someone doing the detail work. Asking for help has allowed us to get out of the gear we were in, and keep moving forward! This has also relieved me of some of the duties I didn’t want to be involved in which has kept me motivated as an entrepreneur.

4. Review and Recalibrate

Sometimes the reason you’re not feeling motivated is that you’re doing something you don’t need to be doing. Are you doing things out of passion or obligation? Does your business truly reflect the values you hold in this life? Take some time to review what you’re doing and what could have gotten you in the rut. Once you’ve identified some causes, then reflect on if you need to recalibrate. Is there anything you should change or do differently? In order to stay motivated as an entrepreneur or business owner, you need to at least believe in what you are building.

Do you find that you struggle with staying motivated or have you found yourself in a rut recently? If so, comment below what helped you, and share this post with someone you think would enjoy it!

In four days, I will begin the early bird ticket sales for my annual WealthBuilders Conference! I am so excited about the speakers this year. For the month of November, you will get access to the lowest priced tickets for the whole event! You will hear about it on my email list, so make sure to enter your information below. To find out more about the conference, click here.