Robert Kiyosaki wrote, “The most successful people in life are the ones who ask questions. They’re always learning. They’re always growing. They’re always pushing.” This quote begs the question, how are we staying intentional to keep learning? Remember, you bring value to the market, not time. How are you increasing in that value? Today, I’m sharing with you four free avenues to continue your education without spending a dime!
1. Listen to podcasts on your commutes.
In a recent study by AAA, it was found that Americans spend 46 minutes per day on average in the car. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Wow! What an opportunity!” That’s roughly 40 hours spent in the car per year–and that’s just on average. Those with longer commutes obviously spend even more time. Think how much more value you could add to yourself if you utilized this time to continue learning. With podcasts becoming more and more trendy, you can learn something on just about any topic you ever care to dive deeper into. Have you ever searched the iTunes store? There are thousands of podcasts covering theology, entrepreneurship, technical gadgets, life hacks, and so much more. If you spent half of your time in the car with the intention of exploring one single topic over the course of a year, you would have a pretty thorough understanding of that topic by the end of the year.
[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Remember, you bring value to the market, not time.[/tweetthis]
2. Participate in free online webinars.
Like podcasts, webinars are really trendy right now. And due to the amount of people now offering online courses, many introduce their product with FREE webinars. This means you get a piece of the pie for free. Yes, these webinars usually only take you so far until you are often offered a product that you have to buy into (such as an online academy or monthly subscription service). But many online educators, from Michael Hyatt to Chalene Johnson, do offer free teachings in the form of webinars that are very relevant and will definitely get you started in the process!
3. Subscribe to educational newsletters.
Most experts right now in any given field of interest have a newsletter. And again, it is often free. For example, did you I have an email list that is specifically curated for those with an interest in real estate? Each Thursday, I email out my latest vlog, which is absolutely free information pertaining to real estate investing. These types of newsletters are an avenue for you to dip your toes in the water in pursuing an education in a field of your choice. Of course many of these experts, like myself, offer avenues that go way beyond what we offer in our newsletters and vlogs, but this is a great place to start.
4. Watch educational Youtube videos.
Did you know that Youtube has expanded their platform to go beyond music videos and humorous clips? Youtube has actually become a hub of tutorials and videos to learn new skills. Youtube now offers quite a selection of educational videos from channels such as Yale Courses, Stanford Business School, and Gresham College. You can even find really specific tutorials on how to use different pieces of technology. For example, until we have a professional videographer in the office, I had one of my employees watch some tutorials on how to use Final Cut Pro to edit our vlogs!
The benefit of these four avenues for free information are great because you can also sample a lot of different experts for free. Then you’re able to make an informed decision about purchasing more information from that expert!
Thanks for reading. I hope this equips and empowers you as you continue to grow as an entrepreneur.
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