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We’ve reached that time of year when new year’s resolutions are starting to emerge and the nearby thought of future change is lingering in the back of our minds. If you’re already taking some time out of your day to think about your direction and your future, I commend you! You’re on a healthy track. Establishing how you feel about your current state is a great way to initiate positive changes for your future.

I remember when I first retired, I couldn’t shake the thought that there might be something more out there for me. I was shocked to find that a whole new assortment of goals were formulating inside my head, even though I had just reached the long-sought freedom of retirement! So, I racked my brain for ideas and put my skills to work. Here I am today managing multiple businesses and inspiring others to do the same. That’s why I always tell you, it’s never too late to get started! Take a minute to read this week’s blog and gain insight about how to direct your future.

1. Start By Creating a Bucket List:

At a young age, I remember my elders always telling me that I should strive to become the best possible version of myself. They warned me that a life not lived to its fullest potential would only lead to regrets. I realize that the same advice still applies no matter how old you are! I know it sounds cliche, but setting goals and creating a bucket list helps us to formalize our thoughts and stay on track. Most importantly, we can learn to hold ourselves accountable for pursuing our ambitions.

Think hard about the things in life you truly want. Maybe you have lofty aspirations that involve traveling to all seven continents or smaller desires that consist of trying all the new restaurants in your town. No matter how big or small your goals are, write them all down! It’s very rewarding to be able to visualize the goals and check them off the list when they are completed, trust me!

2. Make A Personal Growth Goal:

Personal development goals are tough to define because they differ depending on the individual. However, at the end of the day, it’s all about improving yourself and being an agent of change in your own life. Start by drawing a Venn diagram with two circles. Label the first circle, “personal growth” and the second circle “professional growth” and allow the space in between to serve as a healthy overlap. Jot down as many goals as you can think of, then begin to narrow them down from most important to least important. In the end, you should have an adequate handful of goals that you find most valuable.

Develop a time frame that will allow you to successfully complete these personal and professional goals. Maybe you want to start eating healthier in the next two months. Or develop better work relationships in the next year. Keep these goals in plain sight! Whether that be on the whiteboard in the kitchen, stuck to your bathroom mirror, or in the note section on your phone! The key is to keep practicing and building, that way these goals will turn into routines. Never forget, you are your best investment!

3. Develop An X-Year Plan:

Think about the person you would like to become in five years. Do you have a plan of action in order to become that person? If not, it’s time to start brainstorming! Many people decide to go with the five-year plan because it’s recommended by professionals. Also, because there is an abundance of resources available online. If you simply search, “Five-Year Plan” in Google, you will be shocked by all the resources that will appear! But to guarantee success, I suggest using the steps I have outlined in my blog titled, “How to Succeed While Making a Five-Year Plan.” Your plan doesn’t have to be overly extravagant. Just try to figure out where you see your future self. Looking at your life in a yearly scale will allow you to visualize your success. Soon enough, you will start getting the results you want!

Wow, I just want to mention how blessed I am that so many of you have already purchased your WealthBuilders 2020 conference tickets! For those of you who haven’t, you only have three more days to get your tickets for the early bird sale price of $99! The mission of the WealthBuilders conference is to empower, inspire, and provide you with tools so that you can make sense of making money for making a difference. Click here to see a lineup of our hand-selected speakers!

Purchase your discounted tickets here and be sure to use the code “EARLYBIRD20” at checkout!