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Do you ever feel like giving up in your business? The past six months have been painful and hard. Many of your small businesses were hit with financial distress, maybe you had to close your doors temporarily or lay off staff. Those are never easy things to do or to recover from. My hope today is that your business will not close it’s doors for good. In past blog posts, we’ve discussed how to navigate the new normal and practical ways to bring in more profit. In today’s blog post, I want to speak some words of encouragement to you. This year may not have been what we expected it to be, but it can still be blessed. Here are ways you can keep your business moving forward.

Moving Forward After Crisis

Start with Prayer

I was doing my morning Bible reading recently, and this verse really jumped out at me. It said:

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
    even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

-Psalm 16:5-8 (NIV)

Prayer is powerful, so first and foremost, I encourage you to pray these verses over yourself daily. Declare that you will not be shaken, that you have a delightful inheritance in the Lord. Becky and I pray for divine connections and Kairos moments every morning, and this verse is reminiscent of that. You can watch a video on how we pray here, but however prayer looks for you, just do it.

Follow Up with Action

Newton’s First Law of Motion is that an object in motion stays in motion. I encourage you to take baby steps towards improvement and growth. Sometimes, this will look like buying a book or a course on something you need to learn. Other times, it will look like hiring someone to optimize your website for online sales. Whatever small action step you can take towards your dream today, do it.

Your first step may be to brainstorm what actions you will need to take. For a week, check one thing off the list then see how you feel at the end of this experience. I guarantee you will feel more motivated and encouraged. Here’s why: we love to see progress. That’s why many personal development professionals tell you to make your bed in the morning. One small accomplishment will set the tone of accomplishment for the rest of your day, week or year! These seemingly little accomplishments will keep your business moving forward.

Stay Positive

I can tell you from experience: positive attitudes lead to positive outcomes. When you expect the best to happen, it does! There’s no magic to it, just science. What you think on becomes what you focus on. Let’s say your goal is to hit a million dollars in revenue this fiscal year. If your thoughts are “I’m never going to achieve it, that goal was set way to high,” then, what motivation do you have to work towards it? Now, on the other hand, say your thoughts sounded more like, “It’s a big challenge, but I know I can do it!” Then, you’re going to work to find ways to achieve your goal. Keep your thoughts positive and keep believing in your dreams.

I hope this post has helped encourage you to keep your business moving forward. We had top CEO’s and beginning entrepreneurs reacting and gleaning from the teachings at our Business Mastery Workshop and I’m excited to announce that you can get that same wisdom from the comfort of your own home! We are now taking pre-orders for our Business Mastery Workshop USB which includes teachings from speakers like myself, Karen Conrad, David Metcalfe, and Chris Barnard! You can save $100 on the recording by ordering your copy before September 16th! Click here to learn more and get your copy today.