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Becky and I have been doing weekly live streams on how to find Kingdom opportunities during this time of crisis. Today, I want to talk to you about Kingdom finances. In other words, how you can use your finances in a Kingdom way.

This is a teaching I’ve given at Charis Bible College, and I believe it’s foundational knowledge. Whether you’re just realizing the importance of stewarding your finances, or you have to start over in some ways because of the COVID-19 crisis, these tips are for you.

Kingdom Finances: Stewarding Your Money Well


This rule has been taught by many financial experts, and it’s one that changed my life many years ago. If you really want to get ahead in your life financially, you learn to live off of 80% of your income. I know this is challenging for a lot of you right now, but I encourage you to get your expenses and your “fun” spending down to 80% of your income.

So you learn to live on 80% and then what do you do with the 20%? Well, 10% is money you tithe. That is just a guideline scripturally. When Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you,” I believe what happens is the 10%, the tithe, is what prepares the land for us. In fact, let me just say it this way. I believe the tithe determines the size of the land that we sow into. I’ll get more into this later.

Then 10% of that money you use to invest. I like to say it like this: it’s 5% you invest and 5% somebody invests. In other words, you have it professionally invested. I’m not teaching on investment today, but this principle is important.

Give and it shall be given

Say you’re a young couple here today and you make $30,000-$40,000 a year. You pay your tithe out of that which would be the size of your land. But as you start sowing into that land, give and it shall be given unto you, what happens then is then you start prospering, you start being blessed, and then the size of your land grows. As long as I keep giving my 10% my land grows. The more my land grows the bigger piece of land I have to throw seed in.

I remember the very first time I ever wrote $100 check for the Kingdom of God. How many of you remember that for yourselves? That was a big stretch. How many of you can ever remember writing a $500 check for the Kingdom? How many of you can remember writing a million dollar check? 

For you to write a check for $100,000 you have a bigger piece of land spiritually or naturally speaking than somebody who wrote a check for $100.

When Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you,” I believe that money is attracted, not pursued. When you give with an open heart and an open hand, you’re allowing more blessings to come onto your life. However, there’s a transactional element, too–God doesn’t pour money on people’s heads like rotten cherries off a tree. For more about how God gets money to us, read Break Your Manna Mindset.

On Wednesday, I’ll be going into more detail on how money is attracted, not pursued. If you haven’t already, sign up for my email list below to be notified when new blog posts come out!
