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The core teaching of my book, Money Mastery, is the Triple X Factor. Today, at the start of my new series on social impact, I’d like to focus on the Third X. Before we jump in to the Third X, let me briefly review the first and second X.

FIRST X income is earned income. You work and then you get paid. Most people are at the First X. You use this income for tithes, offerings, asset-building, and living. It’s called “non-leverage income” because of the direct correlation between your time and your paycheck.

People in the First X are usually employees, but they can also be self-employed.

SECOND X income is asset income. You also pay your tithes and offerings out of this. But the main point of the Second X is to reach the point where you are completely living off of the income from your assets. It’s called “foundational wealth” and you should use this income to build more assets.

People at the Second X are usually business owners and investors. You do still have to work when you live at the Second X level, but instead of working as an employee, you’re an asset manager. In other words, you manage your assets in order to live.

THIRD X income is used for making a social and Kingdom impact. I like to refer to this X as city and nation transformation.

Understanding the Third X

How do you make a difference? There are two basic ways to make a massive impact at the Third X level.

The first is to give away all of your income above your target living allowance. Simply put, you take all of your income – above what it costs for you to live comfortably – and you give it all away.

The second is to take some of your assets and invest them for social impact. For example, say you sell a couple of rental properties and make $100,000 profit. You can take that money and, instead of reinvesting it in real estate, you can invest in an investment fund like the one we have at Tricord Global. The fund has impact around the world where we are investing in a Christian-run bank for the purpose of seeing city and nation transformation. You can take some of your assets and all of your excess income and invest in a cause like this one.

By doing something like this, you can invest in social impact and also make an interest rate off of the money that you invest.

Here’s the beauty of it: That investment is different than if you gave that money away. When you give the money away, it’s gone. But when you invest $100,000, you not only get the principle back but you get to earn interest and have an impact with that investment. With Tricord Global, you put your money to good use for Kingdom purposes.

This is how you make a difference using the Third X.

Here is a quote that sums up the Third X from my book Money Mastery:

“…Jesus didn’t come just so I could be a big deal. He came so that I could have an impact on the world I live in. He came so that we could see the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our God. We let Satan have strongholds because we’re knuckle-headed enough to only think about ourselves instead of thinking about the bigger picture. There MUST be a bigger picture. The gospel of the Kingdom IS that bigger Kingdom.”

Start praying for a revelation of what the bigger picture is in your own life. How does God specifically plan for you to impact the city and nation you’re living in?

Remember, it’s about making sense of making money for making a difference. Let’s band together to make a difference in the world!

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