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In the month of September, I blogged about Real Estate with the intention of teaching you one of the best ways to build wealth. As you build this wealth, God blesses you so you can be a blessing to others. In October, I want to talk to you about “philanthrovesting.” That is a term I coined in my book, Money Mastery, which is the principle of investing your money to make a social impact.

This is the moment where you get to fulfill the other half of the Abrahamic covenant. This is the moment where, through you, nations can be blessed.


Making a Kingdom Impact through Philanthrovesting


Make an Impact

Philanthrovesting is all about making a difference around the world. My non-profit, Tricord Global, specifically works with developing nations. We are able to improve individual lives, families, villages and entire nations through our loans.

Oral Roberts said, “Whoever controls the finances of a city or nation will control the spiritual climate as well.” It wasn’t until I started going into third world countries and investing money that I started feeling challenged by the Holy Spirit. Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel of the kingdom. If we are His disciples, we need to ask ourselves: “Are we really preaching the gospel of the kingdom? Are we really investing in city and nation transformation?”


Create Self-Sufficiency

Many people ask why Tricord Global provides loans instead of donations. My heart behind founding this company is that we would be apart of a larget solution. I don’t want to create dependency on the money that I give, and you shouldn’t either. Philanthrovesting is all about creating self-sufficiency.

If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life. That is the purpose of philanthrovesting.

Earn a Return

Philanthrovesting combines the characteristics of charity with the financial returns of an investment. This allows one dollar to be recycled over and over. This enables us to continue with the process and help many more people. In our giving, we must think in terms of the law of stewardship in order to create sustainable enterprises in developing nations and at home.

Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I believe in philanthropy and giving, and that should always be at the forefront of our minds. However, philanthrovesting is the approach that keeps on giving. We need to add a sustainability mindset to our approach in third-world countries.



Philanthrovesting means that you have become an investor who holds assets that yield much fruit to enjoy. Your money is working without you, and instead of building bigger barns, you are putting your money to work for the kingdom.

We are raising money for a loan recipient of ours so that his farm can be a blessing to his community. Click here to learn more and donate, any amount is a blessing!