You want to succeed with money, right? I believe that everyone wants to experience financial success. If you don’t have much, you want to learn to manage well. And if you have plenty, you want to keep the train rolling so you can give generously for kingdom change.
I’m going to give you the mot straightforward way to succeed with money. Are you ready? You must plan. Yes, it truly is that simple. Yet most of us aren’t taking the time every month – or week – to plan our success with money.
This is more than a budget. It’s bigger than getting out of debt. Think about it: a plan prepares you for opportunities and difficulties. It’s essential to have a plan!
How can you begin preparing for your financial success today? I’m going to give you five steps.
The Easiest Method to Ensure You Succeed with Money
1. Set a goal.
The key to making a plan is first setting an attainable goal. I believe that goal-setting has a huge impact on life, and that everyone should regularly set personal, business, and financial goals. The key here is to dream big and think long-term. We’ll break it down into smaller goals later, but for now, think retirement. Think grandkids. Think financial legacy.
Is there a sum you’d like to leave for your children and grandchildren? What about a property you would like to purchase as a vacation home for retirement? Would you like to invest in a non-profit, start up a company, or something else entirely?
I think the most important part of succeeding with money is believing that you can succeed. Set a goal with this in mind. Believe in something so great that you’ll need to work hard daily and pray with faith to make it a reality.
2. Calculate the steps.
You’ve set a goal. Now it’s time to think through the details. What is it going to take for you to buy that property or leave that legacy? Is there a business decision that needs to be made? What about moving funds – does it make sense to keep your savings somewhere else (maybe someplace with better interest)?
At this stage, you don’t need to actually take the steps. You simply need to do the difficult work of thinking through the details.
Also, it’s important to recognize that the steps (and maybe the goal itself) will likely change. That’s okay. Continue on with the process and leave room for God to move in your life.
3. Think through the timeline.
The third step is to dream about a potential timeline for the detailed steps you just mapped out. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself a bit here. Yes, you want your timeline to be realistic and achievable. But you don’t want to limit your potential.
Remember, believe that you can succeed with money and draw a timeline accordingly!
This may look like saving a certain amount of money to invest by a specific year. It could also look like funding a child’s college account before she graduates high school, paying off your mortgage early, etc.
4. Prepare the team.
The team may consist of you and your spouse. It could also be a literal business team or a group of friends working towards similar goals. Whoever is going to be involved needs to be prepared. Host a dinner, gather around the table, and get serious. Talk through your goals, your timeline, and the details. Don’t feel silly or awkward – this is going to spark excellent conversation!
Then, consider investing in ongoing education for your team. I have a great course called Money Mastery that would be an excellent place to start.
5. Determine baby goals.
Finally, it’s time to establish your smaller goals that will lead you toward the finish line. This will closely reflect your detailed steps in number two above. However, at this stage, you need the timeline and the details to mesh into one achievable plan.
Maybe your first step will be establishing a budget. Step two may be saving a certain amount of money. Step three may be paying off your cars. Step four may be investing x-amount for retirement. You get the idea.
Get it down on paper and keep it visible – especially visible to those on your team that you defined in step four.
The key to success is 1) believing that you can succeed with money and 2) going with the flow as your plan changes. Yes, it’s essential to keep a large goal in focus, and it’s essential to work towards the smaller goals you’ve thought through. Just remember that hiccups will come. When they do, go back to the basics.
Believe that you will succeed with money and set a goal.