by Billy Epperhart | May 2, 2016 | Business Blogs, Leadership
Anyone in a prominent position, in any type of leadership, is going to receive criticism by the bucketful. It comes with the job. And while criticism naturally hurts, it’s wonderful for growth. But what if the critique is misplaced or destructive? I’ve...
by Billy Epperhart | Feb 15, 2016 | Business Blogs
Last Monday, we started talking about the formula for being a CEO of small businesses or a billion dollar business. No matter the size of your business, your role is the same. There are 5 things every CEO needs to make sure he or she is doing. Check out last...
by Billy Epperhart | Feb 5, 2016 | Personal Growth
Last week, I started talking about how to conquer your emotions. Your feelings can be temporary and fickle, but still prevent you from ever changing or moving forward in your life. Learning how to change these feelings and become in control of them can really open you...
by Billy Epperhart | Feb 1, 2016 | Leadership
Last week, we started talking about tips for how to read a book. How do you pick up a book and find out if you even want to read it? Last week we talked about discriminate, which is to know what information you’re looking for; investigate, which is to look at...