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God’s creation has always been a source of inspiration for me, and as we enter into a new season, I was reminded of the different seasons of business you can enter into. For many of us, we are coming into a season of new growth, emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. For others, your business has yet to recover. I firmly believe that wherever you’re at in your life or business, there is purpose in each season.

Which Season of Business Are You In?


Fall begins the cool-down from the Summer. Hot days turn into fresh nights and all that was not fruitful begins to die. Now, many people see this as a tragic thing, but it always reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the trimming of the vines. Not every venture your business takes on will bear fruit and that’s okay! This season of business will involve letting go, so lean into that. As you begin to come out of the seasons of growth, begin to take stock of what worked and what didn’t. Evaluate your business, and begin planning for next Spring. What do you want to continue on? What do you need to prune?


Winter is often seen as a negative time where things lie dormant. You won’t see the fruit of your labor, and it may look like a waiting season for you. But, the beauty is happening underground. During winter in Colorado, the snow falls heavy and it seeps into the ground. This extra moisture helps prepare the Earth for the blooms of Spring and allows it to last through the blasting heat of the Summer. Without Winter, we wouldn’t have the bounty of Spring. So, while your business may look as if it’s not growing, I encourage you to do the necessary work on the back end to prepare for Spring. Becky talked about this on one of our livestreams, but if things with your business are on pause right now, you can be learning and preparing it for the season to come. Don’t let this season of business go to waste!


Spring is a time of new growth when you emerge from the cold grasp of Winter’s snow. For your business, this might look like new innovations, fresh ideas, and new energy. If you find you’re in this season of business, I encourage you to take advantage of it! Make sure you keep track of all your ideas. My biggest tip would be to hire on a project manager or someone to help you accomplish all your big goals at the right time. As I talk about in my Leadership Mastery book, you should never be afraid to outsource help. As a Leader Manager, you should be delegating projects and handling the big picture of your organization, while your employees work on the minute details.


Now this is an interesting season of business. The days grow longer, and as the new energy from Spring fizzles out, it’s easy to get burned out. You may feel like giving up on those fresh ideas that bloomed in Spring. The intense heat and elevation in Colorado can kill certain plants during the Summer time, and if you’re not careful, that can happen in your business as well. If I were in this season, I would work hard to make the final push to the finish line. When projects start to lag, give them new life! Give your team energy and encouragement.

I hope this post helped you think about your business in a new way. It’s always helpful to know that wherever you’re at, you’re never alone. I encourage you to comment below what season your business is in currently! What do yo feel you need to do in this season?

If you want to hear more exclusive teaching on business, innovation, and growth, then you should pick up a recording of our 2020 Business Mastery Workshop! You can save $100 on the recording by ordering your copy before September 16th! Click here to learn more and get your copy today.
