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For the month of November, we are going to be talking about change. This is perfect timing to me because, as you probably know, this year I released a new book called Change Mastery. It is also getting closer to the holidays, which means it’s getting close to the new year.

While there is no “perfect” time to begin changing, this is the time of year that people start to re-evaluate their lives. They begin thinking about what they want next year to look like. Before you decide what you want to change, I want to lead you in an exercise. I want you to discover your reason for changing so that you will be better prepared for the obstacles that will come.


Preparing for Change: Identify Your Reason


Reason #1: A Triggering Event

A middle-aged man has a heart attack and realizes, “I’d better change how I eat. I’d better change the fact that I never exercise.” A teenager turns to drugs and the parents realize they must change their busy work schedules.

Unfortunately, most people wait until the situation reaches a crisis point before they are motivated to do something new.


Reason #2: Reaching Your Limit

“That’s it. I’ve had it!” When you hear someone say that, you know they are about to get serious. Even God gets to that point sometimes. He continually showed mercy on the people in Noah’s day, but he finally told Noah, “Build an ark, because I’ve had it.”

Sometimes, it is a good thing to get to the place where you have had enough because things are going to change.


Reason #3: Negative Alternatives

Many times in abusive relationships, women will put up with an abusive husband until severe physical harm occurs. Only then does the woman wake up and say, “I’d better get out of here or I am going to be killed.” She realizes that staying would be life-threatening, so she opts for change.

After years of abusing our bodies, we find we must change or face the negative consequences of sickness or death. Hopefully, we change. We change because the alternative is undesirable.


Reason #4: External Pressure

Job cutbacks, corporate downsizing, changes in the economy, and inflation are all examples of external pressure.

The first chapter of the Psalms talks about the pressure of the world around us and describes a man whose internal life is so strong that pressure does not crunch him. He stays anchored in his life to continue to thrive.



Did this post help you figure out your reason for change? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear your story.

If you are looking to make a change in 2019, or just want to prepare for your best year yet, I encourage you to check out my upcoming annual conference! You can find more information about the event here, ticket sales will open this Thursday (11/15) at the lowest price we will offer!

I’ll see you there.