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In my book Money Mastery, I talk about the Seven Mountains view of social impact. The Seven Mountains are the primary categories in which God calls people to serve in the world. They include…


Billy Graham has proclaimed his faith worldwide for decades, reaching Christians with the good news daily.


Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs has transformed families with solid Biblical teaching on parenting and marriage.


Christian educators daily make a difference in the lives of the students they teach.


Strong Christians are taking a stand in the Government Mountain.


K-Love proclaims the gospel on public radio every day nationwide. The music they play is uplifting and encouraging.


The Kendrick Brothers are stepping into Hollywood and creating movies for the glory of God. This is transforming the Arts Mountain.


Chick-fil-A – the popular fast-food restaurant known for their Christian beliefs and upstanding values – is influencing the Business Mountain.

All in all, men and women are rising up and doing work in the Seven Mountains. This is exactly how it should be.

Think about the story of Daniel in the Bible. It is an example of why we should step into society. In Daniel 6:3, it says, “Then Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.”

The root of the word “excellent” comes from the Hebrew word “yateer,” which means “to rise to the top.” God instilled in Daniel an excellent spirit. This allowed him to rise to the top of the mountain God called him to influence – the kingdom.

With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we have the power and the energy to impact the world around us. Just as Daniel stepped into his sphere of the kingdom, so we can step into the world around us.


How can you make a big social impact?


1. Determine Your Mountain

Ask yourself…

  • What mountain am I meant to serve?
  • What gifts has God given me to use?
  • What resources and connections do I have?
  • What fuels and inspires me?
  • What strengths have others affirmed in me?

These questions, along with listening to the Spirit, will help direct you to the mountain God has given you.


2. Determine How to Impact Your Mountain

Daniel’s excellent spirit – his rising to the top – is exactly what you are being called to do. How will you do this well?

This is where goal setting comes into place. Impacting the kingdom requires intentionality. Intentionality requires a game plan.

One way to make a huge Kingdom impact is to invest with Tricord Global! We are coming to end of the month, so if you’re interested in investing, contact us today.


3. Faithfully Impact Your Mountain

When you have identified your mountain and have a plan for influencing your mountain, you can then step into the work of impacting your mountain.

This includes continually learning about how to best make an impact, as well as following your plan and listening to the Spirit direct your steps.


With intentionality & purpose, all seven mountains of social impact will be impacted. Kingdom work will go forward and God’s purposes will be carried out.

Daniel was given the kingdom because of his excellent spirit – his rising to the top. Like Daniel, we can make an impact when we choose to rise to the top of whatever mountain God has called us to influence.

How will you be faithful to serve your mountain?
What will you do to bring the Kingdom to this earth?
What goals do you need to establish to impact your mountain?

Share with us in the comments below!