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In order to develop a money mindset, we need to first gain a solid understanding of what this specific mindset entails. In basic terms, a money mindset is your individual set of beliefs about money and how money operates in the world. I have to admit, it took me years to properly develop my own money mindset and shift from absence to abundance. I learned that the attitude you have regarding money can have a large impact on your potential to reach your future financial goals.

When you work towards developing your money mindset, you simultaneously increase your ability to make smarter financial decisions. This is because when you surround yourself with a positive mindset, it influences your ability to faithfully steward, save, and manage your money. Ayn Rand once said, “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” Remember, money is attracted, not pursued. I can teach you all the wealth-building tactics in the world, but if you don’t have a positive relationship with money, you’ll be squashing your potential before you even begin. In today’s blog, I want to show you how a positive money mindset can serve as the foundation for financial success. If you want to learn how to build bigger barns for the kingdom, it starts with three simple steps.

Surrender Your Past

If you allow your negative past financial experiences to dictate how you feel about wealth, you’ll never be able to put yourself in a position to build wealth. You don’t want to start your wealth-building journey with a defeatist attitude, therefore, I recommend that you start by surrendering your past. Maybe you had a business that failed and lost a lot of money. Perhaps as soon as your paycheck hits your bank account you tend to overspend or maybe you hesitate to spend any money at all out of fear. It could be that you are in a lot of debt.

These negative experiences, whether they happen once in a lifetime or on a weekly basis, can control your mindset. If you allow yourself to operate from a place of negativity, you are actively working to hold yourself back. Yes, many aspects of life are out of our control. Like a stock market crash or a giant snowstorm that halts business. However, the past does not define your current situation. If you reside in the past, you are giving little hope to the future. Break yourself out of the cycle of inadequacy and into pattern of prosperity thinking. Look not at what you have done, but at what you can do.

If you have experienced failure, use it as a wise lesson and a future opportunity. When you catch yourself overspending, try to work on creating different budgeting tactics. If you’re in debt, find ways to eliminate it. Instead of focusing on the pain of the past, look ahead to what it will be like to live a debt-free, stable, and positive life. God is no respecter of persons and what He gives to one, He will give to another.

Change Your Money Story

Only you have the power to change your perspective and money script. I challenge you to become aware of your financial challenges and create a plan of action on how you’re going to change your narrative. Begin by accepting what is and resist the urge to procrastinate. Take responsibility and recognize any unhealthy money patterns that may be a part of your life. This is the difficult part because it involves self-reflection, however, it will help you take control and allow change into your life.

Once you get to this point, this is where the shift takes place. Instead of worry, there is a newfound excitement towards the future. With this new mindset, you can enjoy the process instead of fearing it. When you proactively control your finances with a clear mind, you know the actuality of your finances. A positive money mindset will assist you in paying down debt. It will help you to view budgeting as a resource rather than a hindrance. The goal is to develop a positive relationship with money. We all have individual lenses in which we see the world out of, if your lenses are constantly blurry, you create limitations in your life and miss out on opportunities. Decide that you are going to create more options in your life, take new actions, and fail forward. Today’s the day that you can get on board with a growth mindset.

Practice Gratitude and Prayer

When you arrive at the point in time where you feel pleased with your money mindset, there are several things you can do to continue to strengthen and reinforce your productive attitude. I want you to first remember that it is God who gives us the power to build wealth, therefore, it’s important to cultivate gratitude towards Him. Take notice of God’s work in your life and use the power of prayer to communicate your appreciation. Sometimes it helps to create a journal of positive affirmations and a list of all that you’re thankful for. Whether you’re just beginning to develop a money mindset or have already completed the transformation, you can always find comfort in praising God. By practicing the grace of gratitude, you allow the Holy Spirit to fill you.

By changing your mindset, you are positioning yourself for wealth and prosperity. I have a great teaching called Kingdom Finances that speaks to the importance of getting in the right mindset. I know it can be challenging to shift your mindset, but you must build from a strong foundation if you wish to master your wealth. If you have any questions or if you yourself have had a shift in mindset, don’t be afraid to share in the comment section below.