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I have not always had the perfect balance in my life.  There are times that the passion and commitment of being an entrepreneur have taken the place of other priorities in my life.  But over the years of working as an entrepreneur, I have discovered some keys to bring balance to my life as an entrepreneur.


Most entrepreneurs have similar attributes.  They are committed and driven.  They are passionate and go-getters. They are decisive and ambitious.  While those attributes will make you successful in entrepreneurship, they can cause an imbalance in your life. Entrepreneurs can get so involved with their organization that sometimes other priorities get pushed farther and farther away.  Entrepreneurs need to find balance in their life in order to truly be successful.


Key 1: Scheduling priorities will bring balance to the life of an entrepreneur.

Schedule your PRIORITIES.  Stephen Covey says, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”  You have to decide what your highest priorities are and to courageously say “no” to other things.  What are the priorities in your life?  Make a list of your priorities.  Write them down.  Look at each priority and decide where in your schedule it should fit.  Then, schedule those in your day or your week.  Start with the most important priorities first.  Then schedule the rest of your day, week, and month accordingly. Try this new system out for a week.  Evaluate at the end of the week and make adjustments. It takes time to change the way you think and for something to become a habit. Take it day by day and week by week and this will help to bring balance to your life.


Key 2:  Doing your best will bring balance to the life of an entrepreneur.

Do your BEST.  Whether at work or at home, be at your best. Don’t try to juggle so many things all at once.  Give yourself the freedom to set some of those things down and focus on just one thing at a time.  Dr. Bill Gentry says it like this:  “You aren’t perfect. All you can be is your best.  Be your best at work. Be your best at home. Even if you can’t spend the time you want in every aspect of your life, be your best at it when you are in it. Be in harmony.”  We will make mistakes and try to juggle too many things. However, we can always strive to focus on one area at a time and give it our best.


Key 3:  Investing in you will bring balance to the life of an entrepreneur.

Invest in YOU.  Make time to invest in yourself.  Maybe you should invest in your health or your personal development.  Investing in your health is as simple as going for a walk every day.  Having good health is important in all areas of your life.  Investing in your personal development could be something as simple as taking a class or reading a book.  Try to read something positive and inspirational for 30 minutes each day. If you don’t have the time to sit and read the traditional way, get an audiobook or listen to a podcast.  Anything that will plant information in your heart and mind is going to educate you and make you a more valuable and balanced person.  “An investment in your personal development is the best investment you can make” (Jim Rohn).


How balanced is your life?  What key can you use today to bring balance back to your life?


Interested in learning more about entrepreneurship?  Check out the Real Estate Mastery workshop in Denver, Colorado in September 2016.