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When you are going through a season of change, you will begin to see the possibilities for your life. It can seem like you will never get to that point you always wanted to be at. When this happens, you have to go through a process of challenging the lie that you are trapped. You can make new choices; you can become a new person.

As F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “…it’s never too late, or too early, to be whoever you want to be.”


Challenging The Lie of Change


A Story from My Past

Once, a single mom came into my office complaining about her job. As a pastor, you hear people complain a lot, but this woman was unusually grieved. She complained about this person and that person, this situation and that situation. I couldn’t believe her extensive list of complaints.

Finally, I looked at her and asked, “Why don’t you quit?” She said, “I can’t quit. I’ve got to provide for my kids. I make good money there, I can’t do anything else.” I asked, “Have you thought about working at another hospital? Have you thought about serving in another area of the medical field?” I pressed her and tried to point out the possibilities in front of her, but her response to every question was the same: “It won’t work.

I remembered a contact I had in the medical profession and recommended that she talk to this person. Reluctantly, she agreed. In that one interview, she was offered three distinct positions, all of them paying more money than what she was currently making. She told me later that she wished she had talked to me sooner. I simply let her know there were other possibilities. All I did was let her know that she was not trapped.

There is not one person reading this blog who is permanently trapped. Everyone has possibilities.


Challenging Your Thoughts

Your thoughts, plus your feelings, equals your beliefs. Your beliefs affect your behavior, and your behavior affects the results you get in your life. If you do not like the results you are getting, it’s time to challenge your beliefs.

In order to change your beliefs, you must purposely direct the Law of the Mind. We tend to automatically take the path of least resistance, functioning at our lowest mental capacity. Disabling influences are always trying to impede our progress. They work to make us victims to the pressures of life.

Your will can control your thoughts. You can choose what to think. You are not programmed like a computer. A computer simply runs the software you put into it. A computer cannot refuse to run a program when you ask it to, but you can.

Your thought life is where your ability to disrupt negative forces is birthed. When you choose the thoughts on which you will focus, you are implementing the Law of the Mind.


Challenging Your Behavior

The feelings of discomfort you experience when challenging your behavior will be distressing since you are forcing change cold turkey—but it is possible.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you can go on a ten-day fast and force your behavior to comply. You can pair this with utilizing the Law of the Mind by engaging your will to disrupt thoughts by feeding yourself new information—information about all the benefits you will experience from losing weight. You add your feelings to this new information as you begin to experience the sensation of losing the weight. In doing this, you develop a new empowering belief about weight and health, you change your behavior toward food, and the end result is permanent weight loss.

Consciously choose new thoughts and actions that will move you toward the results you desire. The possibilities are endless when you learn how to disrupt negative forces in your life. Go for it—life is waiting on you!



If you think you are trapped, you are believing a lie. God can and will help you change your circumstances if you are willing to move out of your comfort zone. Are you willing to look at the possibilities rather than focusing on the problem? God is the master of change! It’s time to stop complaining that there is no one to put you in the healing waters; go ahead and let the Healer touch you.