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The Bible makes it clear: when we give, we receive. One of my passions is learning and teaching about how we receive. It’s more than just money—oftentimes, God gives to us in the form of people and opportunities. I refer to these as divine connections and Kairos moments.

God has a treasure chest full of people you have not met, experiences you have not had, and opportunities you have not pursued. These treasures are like spiritual breadcrumbs that God sprinkles along your path to lead you toward His plans and purposes for your life. However, many people don’t even open the lid of their treasure chest.  So, this blog post will cover how to unlock your treasure chest through being sensitive to the divine connections and Kairos moments God brought your way.

divine connections and kairos moments

Divine Connections

Though we can get tied up in our purpose or our destiny, the truth is that our calling is corporate. Most of the time, God does what He wants to do in your life through relationships. God moves history for the sake of His people. Isaiah 43:5-7 makes it clear that God’s will is to gather people together to accomplish His plans and purposes. 

“Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will gather you and your children from east and west. I will say to the north and south, ‘Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel from the distant corners of the earth. Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.”

That verse has been instrumental to Becky and me. Every day, we say a prayer for divine connections: “God, thank you for the divine connections you have planned for me. Help me to recognize and receive them.”

I remember my first divine connection in business. When I met this man, business wasn’t really on my radar. I was in my early twenties, and just trying to pay the bills. It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I realized how much I learned from him. And to be frank, in the beginning, I didn’t even like him that much. However, the more I listened to what he had to say, the more I realized that he knew some stuff I didn’t know. Looking back, everything he taught me about business was right on the money. God used this man’s wisdom to put me on the right path.

 We can learn a lot about God’s plan for our life by reflecting on the people He has introduced to us over time. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting several wise people in the business and ministry world. It’s no coincidence, then, that those are the areas I feel called to steward.

 Reflect on the key people who are or have been in your life. Is there a common theme? How have those people blessed you, and how have they moved you deeper into your destiny? Your relationships are not a coincidence. Prayerfully considering how you can deepen those relationships is a key to opening your treasure chest.

divine connections and kairos moments

Kairos Moments

Have you ever had someone come into your life exactly when you needed them? Divine connections always show up at the right time. In the same way God has appointed people for your life, He has a set time for certain things to happen. These are called Kairos moments.


What is Kairos Time?

 The ancient Greeks had two words for time—Chronos and Kairos. Chronos refers to measurable, quantitative time. In other words, Chronos is clock time. It’s chronological and can be measured in hours, days, weeks, months…you get the picture.

On the other hand, Kairos time is qualitative. It measures moments. And not just any moment—the right or opportune moment. In the Bible, Kairos is used to describe the appointed time of the purpose of God, such as in Mark 1:15: “’The Kairos has come’, he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’”

Kairos time is why God can accomplish in a couple of months what would take years by human efforts bound by Chronos time. A Kairos moment happens whenever God’s plans disrupt your plans.


For Such a Time as This 

God is outside of space and time. He created every detail about you and placed you on the earth at an intentional time. There are causes you are equipped to fight for and problems you are suited to help solve. Your treasure chest includes opportunities and experiences that situate you in the Kairos moments God has destined for you.

Remember my divine connection in business who I mentioned a few paragraphs ago? He arrived at an opportune time and was part of my preparation for a Kairos moment that I believe is happening in the world right now.

There is a marketplace sound, or wind, that is blowing in the earth and in the church. God is speaking to the hearts of His people about entering the business realm as a force for the kingdom. People are coming alive to the knowledge that God wants to be involved in every area of their lives. This excites me because the natural result of such an awakening will be a growing Christian influence in every area of culture!

 That marketplace sound is the very reason we created WealthBuilders, and the same reason we recently launched WealthBuilders Investment Services. If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet it’s because God is stirring your heart to be a part of the same Kairos moment.

So, open your treasure chest and examine the experiences and opportunities God has placed in your life. Surrender yourself to God’s Kairos timeline over your plans and preferences. From there, the Holy Spirit will give you further knowledge on why God put you on the earth for such a time as this.

Read Next: 22 Bible Verses on Giving