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You are on a financial journey. Building wealth is rarely a straight shot to the top. Nor will your path look like everyone else’s. Like any journey, the road to financial freedom is paved with unique risks, challenges, and rewards. Sometimes, it may even feel like you’re going backwards! When that happens, it’s tempting to compare yourself to others. Financial comparison is one of the biggest challenges people face on their wealth building journey.

The Bible often refers to our life as a race. Hebrews 12:1 (ESV) says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

The Amplified Classic version says, “let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.” The Living Bible Translation says, “and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us.” 

Evidently, God has a race for everyone, but everyone’s race is unique. Because of His love for you, God intentionally designed a plan for your life. That includes your finances! If you want to find, follow, and fulfill God’s will for your finances, focusing on your race and avoiding financial comparison is vital. 

What is Financial Comparison?

Financial comparison is a posture of discontent with your current resources in light of what others have. You know financial comparison is happening when:

  • You let other people determine your financial goals 
  • You purchase clothes, furniture, cars, etc. to keep up with the status quo 
  • You go to restaurants and on trips with your friends that you can’t afford
  • You leave all your money in the hands of financial professionals rather than learning how to make money yourself
  • You imitate others rather than seeking God for personal revelation about what to do with your money

With that, here are three ways to stay focused and crush your God-given goals.

financial comparison

1. Know Your Why

When your money doesn’t have a purpose, it is often wasted. Anyone who has saved for a big purchase knows this. For instance, when you start to save for a down payment on your first home, you create a budget. You try to find wiggle room wherever you can. Suddenly, that money you spent going out or buying clothes doesn’t seem as important anymore. You shift from purchasing liabilities to investing in assets–things that will provide a return.

That’s why it’s so important to understand your financial goals clearly. Praying about your finances can help tremendously. 

Ask God to:

  • Give you financial wisdom
  • Change the direction of your goals when needed
  • Help you discern what steps to take in your current season
  • Direct your goals toward Kingdom purpose 

The last point is crucial to having a ‘why’ that will help you stand strong against financial comparison. A Kingdom wealth builder views and uses money differently than most of the world. As followers of Jesus, we view ourselves as stewards of every resource God has entrusted to us. When setting financial goals, we should aim to multiply what God has given us for His glory.

2. Get Accountable 

God does the majority of what He wants to do in your life through relationships. You’re not meant to go through success or failure alone. Achieving any goal is easier when you have accountability. 

When it comes to avoiding financial comparison, it helps to share your goals with people who know your “why.” The value of trusted Christian friends cannot be overstated. As Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”

Friends, a spouse, or coaching networks like The WealthBuilders Real Estate Coaching Program can help you focus on your God-given goals. 

3. Build Your Imagination

When you sacrifice anything, you need a clear picture of the end goal. Otherwise, it just feels like a loss! If you’re going to skip that vacation to save money, you need to imagine a future that’s better than the vacation. If you’re going to drive the same beat-up car, you need to imagine a future that’s better than a brand-new Ford F150. 

Here’s the point: One of the main reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that they don’t have a big enough vision. 

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

When you seek Him, God will give you a prophetic vision for your life. Then, He will bring other people around your life to confirm it. This feeds back into your “Why.” A prophetic imagination for your life will give you the necessary discipline and power to direct your resources toward a Kingdom purpose.

If you want to avoid financial comparison, you must allow the Holy Spirit to speak into your imagination. At your core, you must know why wise financial stewardship matters. Envision the impact you could have on your family if you achieve your goals. Imagine how your resources could empower you to transform your community, city, and world with the gospel!

God wants to experience every area of your life with you. Financial comparison is so dangerous because it can keep you from the intimate, personal revelation God wants to share with you. My prayer is that you will experience God’s peace, presence, and guidance in the midst of your money.